Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines '13

It was the first valentine's day where I had a valentine to celebrate with!

It reminded me of how we used to celebrate it back in high school; clubs raising fund by selling roses, giving out roses or candies to close friends and if you were lucky enough, you may find a love letter under your table. But after all, it was pretty much just another day in school.

But yesterday was totally different. Glen and I got to hang out almost the whole day since 10ish in the morning until 8pm.

We were intended to go to this famous char siew place but it was closed, like duh. They want their CNY holidays still! So we left the place disappointed (not really, because it was valentine's after all :p). Since it started raining, we went to Centrepoint instead. We dropped by at Starbucks for awhile but I didn't feel like having anything there, (but I crave for it so often when I don't have the chance to go Starbucks) so we went to Subway to grab a sandwich. It was pretty good, or maybe I was too hungry. We hung around and had early dinner at the Waterlily.

It was my first time trying out Balinese food and it was scrumptious! The portions are huge too. Reasonable price for their portion :) romantic atmosphere and nice service. Couldn't be better!

I'm really grateful for everything baby. It wouldn't be so great if it wasn't spent with the person I love the most. :')

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