Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Start of Wednesday


It's amazing how I can always find something to talk about. Is that a good thing? :)

It's quarter to 1 a.m. and I'm here munching on a packet of Munchy's veggie crackers and tuna spread. These are my favourite snacks at the moment, besides Japanese beans it is. Oh, and I've succeeded in stopping my japanese beans addiction and I consider that as an achievement. I only ate a teeny weeny packet yesterday the whole day! Heh. Oh gosh. You don't want to know how much I had eaten the day before.

I find the weather quite unbearable these days. I mean, yes, it's cold due to the rain and hallelujah to the rain after a few really hot days. But after a few hours, it turns humid again which makes me feel feverish. Then it's cold again, I'm here chilling in an enclosed living room without any fan/air cond. I dread the fact that I have to enter an air-conditioned room later because my cold feet will worsen. :( oh well.

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