Friday, March 1, 2013


So this evening Rachel was chatting with me via Facebook and out of randomness, she told me she was craving for Tutti Fruitti. Since we live nearby, we agreed to take a walk to satisfy her cravings.

It was an enjoyable walk to Tutti Fruitti and not vice versa. The walk back home was a little tiring due to the incline! But well, with such good companion I have no complain. :P

After Tutti Fruitti, we went into Mr Hammer, a DIY shop and went jakun over the mix and match paint machine. Oh and she got 2 packs of chips home. #hattergonnahate #sorrynotsorry 

All in all, today was like an usual day with not-so-usual evening! Satisfied.

Wifey and I!

Mango + Kiwi flavoured yogurt with caramel and sea coconut toppings. My favourite!

Rachel's. Mango yogurt with fruits and M&M toppings. 

Oh, last but not least, I DIY-ed a shoe bag for my shoes! The coloured strips are for badges! (:

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