Monday, January 26, 2009

starts the year off.

with tag, by Katrina! =)

Bold the statements that are true about you.

Italize the statements that you want to be true.

Leave the fibs alone.

I love cold weather.

I read a lot in my free time.

Sometimes, I wish I had a pet polar bear.

I don't like seafood.

I'm afraid of heights.

Shoes are awesome.

Yellow is an ugly color.

I like the color yellow, thank you very much.

I can be a sarcastic bastard bitch sometimes.

I want to travel the world.

Disney movies make me cry.

I'm easily amused.

My favorite day is Monday.

Mondays suck. (most of it )

I love sleeping.

I wish I slept more often.

I wear belts.

I dread the holiday season.

What are you talking about? The holiday season is awesome!

I can play the guitar.

I'm in middle school.

I'm in high school.

I'm out of high school.

Hello Kitty makes me smile.

I strongly dislike country music.

Currently, I have a cold.

I have a dog.

I have a cat.

When a room is too silent, I'll start making noises to break it.

I'm very random. (sometimes.)

I love making people laugh.

The combination of dark hair and light eyes on a guy is gorgeous.

I like the television show "Scrubs".

When I was little, I ran around in costumes more often than in my regular clothes.

I love Seattle.

I like hats.

I have been in a real first fight before.

People think I'm a bitch.

They're wrong.

Mmm, pancakes.

Halloween is so much fun.

I dread school.

I love school.

I'm very short tempered.

I think little kids are cute.

I HATE little kids.

I'm close with my family.

I have at least one sibling.

I've attended Catholic school.

Skateboarding is a lot of fun.

I couldn't skateboard to save my life.

I can legally drive.

I don't tan, I spontaneously burst into flames.

Sometimes, I wonder why women carry purses and not men.

I was dropped on my head when I was a baby.

Tire swings are fun.

I love the beach.

I hate shopping, unless I can take my time.

I am in love with Target.

I have a nervous habit.

I've been drunk before.

Beer sucks.

I cannot watch needles piercing skin.

I have a high pain tolerance.

I think my last name is odd.

No one ever pronounces it correctly, either.

I have bad allergies.

I know what I want to do with the rest of my life.

Going to shows is one of my hobbies.

When I file my nails, I get goose-bumps.

I've had plastic surgery.

I like the way hospitals smell.

Red bull is the drink of champions.

I'm a college student.

My days are always busy.

I like eating at In N' Out.

7-11 is practically my second home.

I make an ass out of myself on a daily basis.

I will break out into random fits of dance at any possible time.

I have a crappy immune system.

I'm afraid of death.

Being organized is very important to me.

I'm obsessive-compulsive.

I can be a real spaz sometimes.

I have a laptop and a desktop computer.

I'm a girly-girl at heart.

Why do people dress up for school?

Hey! I dress up for school!

I own a Sidekick.

I am a class clown.

My arm itches.

Fuck.I have a tattoo.

I WANT a tattoo.

I have piercings in places other than my ears.

My ears are not pierced.

I rarely get embarrassed anymore.

I have a crush.

They don't know I exist.

Oh no, believe me, they know.

Gardenias smell good.

I want pizza!

I love getting comments.

My dreams are absolutely bizarre.

Sometimes I miss being a little kid.

I will talk to almost anyone.

I don't talk to some people based on how they dress.

I'm rebellious.

Being bossed around doesn't work well for me at all.

My parent(s) give me a lot of freedom.

I have freckles.

I wish my eyes were green.

My eyes ARE green.

I've had heart surgery.

Eek!Heart surgery sounds scary!

Comedy Central is one of my favorite TV channels.

I wear a lot of hoodies.

I wear a lot of tank tops.

I'm fairly comfortable with myself.

Sometimes, I wonder what the hell is wrong with everyone around me.

I think I'm the only sane one around.

I could easily sleep an entire day away if given the opportunity.

I've jumped off a roof before.

I don't wear lipstick.

Are you kidding? I wear lipstick 24/7!

I am currently in desperate need of a job.

Alarm clocks annoy the hell out of me.

If you can make me laugh, you will win my heart.

I LOVE tall boys.

I'm petite.

I don't have any grandparents.

One of my parents is not alive.

Both of my parents are alive.

I want to eventually own my own house.

I really would like to go to Europe.

I’ve been to Europe.

I am definitely not my biggest fan.

Sitting still is almost impossible for me.

I have a tendency to doodle when I get bored in class.

I've been expelled from a school.

Toys that talk scare me.

My laugh is really random.

There is absolutely NO space in my room.

I like to take photos.

I am a camera whore.

I am a myspace whore.

Fuck myspace!

One of my ex's stalks me.What a creep!

Starbucks makes me happy.

I'm addicted to caffeine.

People often mistake me for someone younger.

I've broken my nose before.

I am loud.

Sometimes I just don't give a fuck.

Music is pretty much the blood running through my veins.

I'm a virgin. xDD

I love sex, but I'm not a slut/whore/skag/etc.

I am a slut, and proud!

I want to learn how to knit my own scarves.

When I'm alone, I ask myself very random, weird questions.

My closest friends are a part of my family.

My friends suck.

I like stickers.

When it comes to spelling, I'm pretty much a champ.

I love wearing really pretty, frilly dresses.

I have a very low tolerance for stupid people.

People have told me I'm a complete sweetheart.

I'm told that I am "cute" very often.

I can be an asshole when I want to be.

I write letters to people and never send them.

I own some very, very nice things.

Everything I own is designer.

Designer labels are ridiculous!

I require some alone-time every day.

I love to blast music when I'm driving around.

My school is more than 10 minutes away from my house.

My school is just down the road from my house.

I am actually pretty smart.

Math is my worst subject.

I am good at painting.

I wear makeup, but not a lot.

I will not leave my house without makeup. No matter what.

Some people should never get married.

Some people should never have kids.

I have a lot of bags and purses.

Boots are great.

I don't get what the big deal is with Converse.

I feel like I'm almost always hungry.

Not me!I have danced ballet before.

Don't you hate it when your boob itches in public and you can't scratch it? I do!

I love everything heart-shaped.

I actually like the color pink.

whoever wanna do this? lol.

"People will judge you by your actions, not your intentions." is absolutely so true!

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