Sunday, November 30, 2008

Emoness kills!

Was chatting with a few tuition mates last night, it was fun and...
the most unexpected thing could ever happen among the guys eventually happened...?

This makes you wonder, what was it?

Here the story goes,

For the fun of it, we invited Jon to join our conversation. Jeevan, he teased Jon with Jane. We know he was just kidding but Jon got really, really pissed off.

Like, this is one of the most common things would happen among friends right? But then, they fought because of it. Both of them turned to be emo as ever.

They left the conversation one after another. Ahhhh... quite dramatic?

so anyway! Personally I think guys can be really really emo at times. At certain, most random and finest things!

yea, I know girls are almost the same, almost.

p/s: My eyes are getting really exhausted looking at the comp... argh.. XD

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