Saturday, November 8, 2008

I don't know what...

How I hope that I'm still a kid now T__T
Where you actually don't know what is sad, you were naive and you think the world is wonderful! and you were always cheerful and so on. and yea, adults like kids =D
because of their smiles. I guess. awww *melts*

haha. So I guess I'm satisfied with everything in my life currently. I have my birthday wishes which I really hope it to be real. Which is something general but It's something I really need. My birthday is still a long time to go. T____T but anyways, still great right knowing what I really want. =P

I really sincerely truthfully saying this, I MISS YOU!!!

yea, you.

you!!! :(

I really hope you'll be okay very soon T__T

I always hope to be with you T___T but nvm...

lol. and I'm looking forward to talk to you peacefully, I miss it so badly :(

and this too, I loveeee you >.< *hugs tightly*

I know I'm stupid or maybe dumb >.< to make you pissed off and emo everytime, T___T

I really wanna apologize to you. :(

accept that T__T

uh... I really realise I'm that dumb. I always do stupid stuffs :( :( :(

I don't wanna make u pissed off or emo or anything bad but I'm just so dumb and I always do wrong stuff
awww... :(

I'm dumb and I'm sorry :(

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