Friday, October 1, 2010

red is scary.

This is probably one of the happiest news, ever.
My dad's buying me a DSLR! =D
Let's hope that's promising. (:
I guess I'll get Canon 60D, if that's not off budget X)

Truth to be told, I feel like such a brat. D:
Maybe I get things too easily, but I don't take them for granted.
Thanks for DSLR and Taiwan trip in advance, dad. Love you. (:
and no, I don't say love just because you are buying me a DSLR, I really do. You're awesome.

I feel rather depressed nowadays. Finals in exactly 3 weeks. Look what I'm doing, blogging away, have my butt stick on the chair surfing the internet like there's no tomorrow.
Maybe you should really see some red remarks on your report card, yi sin.

Prefect's dinner, Genting, Nike Run, A'aina's open house all BEFORE the finals. Joy.

I'm certainly panicking. D: D:

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