Friday, July 19, 2013

A tribute to Cory Monteith

Alright, he'd passed away for a week now and I figured maybe I should write a tribute for an actor I actually fangirl-ed about. Here's to a little closure.  

I'm not going to lie but I was never a hardcore Glee or Cory Monteith fan. BUT, he was my favourite character in Glee. When I first started watching Glee, I didn't like the girls so much because they're just so different than what we are here on the other corner of the world. Finn Hudson's always been down-to-earth. He made dumb mistakes but we know that we all do! He's open to his vulnerability, he knows that his life is a mess but makes active decisions to change it all around. Finn is a mere reflection of himself in real life. That's why I love Finn, he's real.

What saddens me the most is Monchele. A romance between Cory Monteith and Lea Michele. 

(Not sure if it's just a coincidence but Cory's last on screen credit shows Lea sitting all alone) 

Let's face it, not every Hollywood couple are loyal to each other; many have broken up, many others have affairs and perhaps cheat on their partner. If you notice entertainment news like E! would address them as "long-time couple" even though they've (only) dated for a year. In Marie Claire interview, Lea honestly told that there is no one else who knows her more than Cory. He's been the net underneath her that would catch her if she falls, and that allows her to jump higher and go farther. He makes her feel like she can do anything in the world. Now, that's real love. It's a perfect mirror for you to reflect if you know what true love is.

Maybe many of you may say he brought it onto himself, but I don't blame him really. He came from a broken family, his father and him reunited 17 years after his parents divorced. Since 13, he started taking drugs and been battling demons for nearly 2 decades. He checked himself in to rehab but it just didn't work. He worked hard and always appeared healthy and cheerful on screen. Didn't he try hard enough? Let's face it, this is life. Things won't always go our way.

He was a high school dropout, drug addict, worked as a cab driver, stole money to get drugs until one day, someone said to him "maybe you should become an actor!", and boom! His life changed. He made a name for himself, did charity work and gave inspiring quotes to save people's lives.

Now, isn't that something?

Have some respect, because I know I do.

RIP Cory Monteith. You've been an awesome person. I hope you look down on Lea.

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