Wednesday, November 24, 2010

screw you.

Some point in life, everyone should learn to give up on ramblings and stop depending on people we've always relied on.

change your priorities in life. This is what I gotta do, right now.

Yes, I'm a liar, so sue me.

Truth be told, I've missed you, I've loved you, I've had some trust in you, I'd always forgive you for your mistakes - just like what I would do for anybody else, but sadly it's NOT vice versa.
I rant, I get scoldings. I've poured my heart out to you, you ignored. So I finally realised I'm nothing. Moving on, I'll eventually get outta here, I believe.

People come, people go. So why should I keep holding on to you? There are million of people in this world, be it heartbreakers or liars, you're just like one of them. and out of the million people, I surely can find one that's more trustworthy, honest and more of a soulmate to me.

So what's with all these emotional posts that are mostly caused by YOU? I'll work on that. (:

look at you, look at me. I've become what I DON'T want to be. If you aren't one of my priorities anymore, then I should go back to what I was.

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